Karlova pekárna s.r.o.
kontaktní osoba
Aleš Vala
IČ: 00568431
Popis činnosti
Výroba chleba, běžného a jemného pečiva a jejich polotovarů, cukrárenských výrobků a jejich polotovarů – obchodní činnost – hostinská činnost – výroba potravinářských výrobků – 2 pekárny s pekařskou výrobou, 1 výrobna studené kuchyně, zhruba kolem 25 vlastních prodejen – další info na www.karlova-pekarna.cz * KP provides a wide range of bakery products, including both primary bakery products such as a roll, a Christmas cake and a croissant and also special bakery products such as a French brioche, Christmas stole, French loaf, special baguettes, wholemeal breads and sunflower bread from KP was even awarded a second and third prizeon the competition “Zlatý chléb” in the “Salima Fair 1995”. KP distributes its products to the districts such as Brno, Blansko, Břeclav, Žďár nad Sázavou, Znojmo, Zlín and Uherské Hradiště. Cooperating with the carriers, we are able to supply the shops throughout the Czech Republic. For some towns, such as Brno or Znojmo, we are able to provide deliveries in the afternoon (including Saturdays and Sundays), having sufficient reserves on stock.