Czech Business Guide

22. 3. 2022

The Association for Foreign Investment (AFI) has long monitored the needs of investors who are interested in establishing operations in the Czech Republic, including launching and developing manufacturing, research and other activities (e.g. shared-services centres, IT infrastructure etc.). We continuously take a helpful approach toward fulfilling those needs. This is also the reason that we at the AFI decided to launch the web portal, which provides incoming and existing investors with comprehensive information on investing in the Czech Republic from a broad range of sectors.

The purpose of this informational web portal is to promote the Czech Republic to potential investors and business partners as a European location that provides an ideal combination of good return on investment, reasonable costs, outstanding human capital and a perfect environment for work and leisure with growth potential even in times of major changes and challenges.

We collaborated on the portal’s creation with leading experts and institutions such as the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and CzechInvest. The portal is exceptional both in the scope of issues that it covers and in the high degree of detail with which they are presented.

If you need more information or if you would merely like to share your opinions with us, please contact the AFI Team Leader, Šárka Knoblochová, at .

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