GeneProof a.s.


Vídeňská 101/119
61900 Brno 19
Company registration number: 26981947


Mobile: 603 584 855

Activity description

PRODUKCE A SLUŽBY: Biotechnologická společnost podnikající v oboru molekulární in vitro diagnostiky. Hlavním předmětem její činnosti je výroba a prodej diagnostických souprav pro rutinní molekulární mikrobiologickou a humanní genetickou diagnostiku v oblasti zdravotnictví, veterinární medicíny a v některých průmyslových aplikacích. * PRODUCTION AND SERVICES: GeneProof is a company with a clear vision to hit the worldwide market with technologically advanced products for routine laboratory diagnostics of serious infectious and genetic diseases based on open platforms, as an option to closed and non-flexible automatic or semi-automatic diagnostic one-purpose systems. GeneProof does not focus only on big laboratories with huge sample turnovers, instead gives every laboratory the opportunity to grow with the possibility to simply change from one platform to another as the laboratory and technologies develop. GeneProof offers its customers many guaranties. Focuses on real needs of the laboratories and develops the products with respect to them.

Generální partner:

DRFG Investiční skupina logo2018              czech fund

Naši partneři

logo brno3 logotyp jihomoravsky  generali logo   kooperativa orez logo-komora   verygoodies   
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