Hotel International Brno, a.s.

Contact Person

Bc. Jaroslava Trabelsi


Husova 200/16
60200 Brno 2
Company registration number: 46974571


Telephone: 542122111

Activity description

Best Western Premier Hotel International Brno je moderní hotel ve středu města Brna. Ubytovací kapacita 112/1, 129/2 a 15 apartmá. Kongresové centrum - se 2 sály a 5 salonky s celkovou kapacitou 700 osob. Fitness centrum na ploše 1100m2, 2 restaurace, Lobby Bar, Interclub, garáž. * Best Western Hotel International Brno is a modern hotel, situated in the city centre. Hotel capacity of 112/1, 129/2 and 15 suite. Congress centre - with 2 halls and 5 meeting rooms with the capacity of 700 persons, Fitness centre on area of 1100m2, 2 restaurants, Lobby Bar, Interclub, Garage.

Generální partner:

DRFG Investiční skupina logo2018              czech fund

Naši partneři

logo brno3 logotyp jihomoravsky  generali logo   kooperativa orez logo-komora   verygoodies   
ndb logo     logo DevelopmentAid main large size