2. DSP, s.r.o.

Contact Person

Vendula Jurušová


Šilingrovo náměstí 2
602 00 Brno
Company registration number: 25614207


Telephone: 532156777
E-mail: brnopalace@barcelo.com
www: www.barcelo.com

Activity description

Hotelové služby, pronájem konferenčních prostor, restaurační služby. * The Barceló Brno Palace***** hotel is a landmark building in the centre of Brno. It was built in the middle of the 19th century according to the designs of architect Franz Fröhlich. The original concept was to create a residential building with different sized rooms and a sophisticated system of staircases. It's palatial façade contrasts with the Romantic style of the interior design.

Generální partner:

DRFG Investiční skupina logo2018              czech fund

Naši partneři

logo brno3 logotyp jihomoravsky  generali logo   kooperativa orez logo-komora   verygoodies   
ndb logo     logo DevelopmentAid main large size