Arch.Design, s.r.o.

Contact Person

Ing. arch. Radoslav Kobza


Sochorova 3178/23
61600 Brno 16
Company registration number: 25764314


Telephone: 541420910-911

Activity description

Kompletní projektová činnost - architektura, urbanismus, ekonomické zhodnocení záměru, projekty pro územní a stavební povolení, prováděcí projekty, studie, projekty interiérů, inženýrská činnost, autorský a technický dozor až po zajištění kolaudace stavby. * Urban studies and preparation of city planning and zoning documentation. Architecture – architectural studies (site layouts, layouts and volume design). Civil engineering and specialist design: preparation of complex design documentation, surveys, architect supervision, as-built design, tender design, detailed design, planning and building permit design. Engineering. Technical site supervision. Interior design – design of equipment, visual style, interior applications. Construction management: technical site supervision, tender organisation and evaluation, provision of building approval, post-approval service. Further service: land surveys, preparation of investment plan assessments, etc.

Generální partner:

DRFG Investiční skupina logo2018              czech fund

Naši partneři

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